Junction on Bend Ahead Road Sign | Diagram 512.1 | RA2 | Post Mountable
Harsh Turn (Sharp Bend) Ahead UK Road Sign - Post Mountable with 2 fixing rails - Class 2 R2/RA2 Reflective - Available in 450mm, 600mm, 750mm,... Read more
The harsh turn ahead is used to warn road users of the sharp turn in the road to the left or right. This allows motorists to reduce their speed and road position to allow them to safely follow the sharp turn in the road. Diagram 512 has 2 variations for a harsh left turn and harsh right turn.
Material: R2/RA2 reflective overlay on aluminium composite backing
3.1.1. Diagram 512 (S2‑2‑8, see Figure 3-1) may be used to give advance warning of a bend which a driver might find difficult to negotiate without slowing down and the severity of which cannot easily be seen either by day or by night. The symbol should indicate a bend to the left or right as appropriate. The degree of danger at a bend varies mainly with four factors – the speed of approach, the radius of curvature, the super elevation and the skid resistance of the road surface. No uniform objective test can be applied and traffic authorities must rely on a subjective assessment of these factors when deciding whether or not to use the sign. Care should be taken to ensure that a route is signed uniformly
3.1.2. The radius of curvature not only affects the safe speed appropriate to the bend, it might also reduce forward visibility so that drivers need to slow down.
3.1.3. The sign should be used sparingly and only to indicate a bend hazard. It should not be used simply to allay local apprehension regarding the speed of traffic. Over-use of the sign could compromise its contribution to road safety and add to sign clutter.