Diagram 674 marks the entrance to a zone where a maximum speed limit of 20 mph is in force. These signs are used in the residential areas, schools and locations that require a maximum speed limit to ensure safety.
When a 20mph sign is used, it must be followed with either a 675A or 675B
Material: R2/RA2 reflective overlay on aluminium composite backing
8.7.1. A 20 mph speed limit is indicated by terminal and repeater signs to diagram 670 in exactly the same manner as any other speed limit (other than a 30 mph limit on a lit road where repeater signs are not permitted). However, a 20 mph zone, indicated by the sign shown in diagram 674 (S10‑2‑5, see Figure 8‑9), may be introduced instead, but only if it complies with Schedule 10 General Direction 1. This specifies that the sign to diagram 674 may be used only if no part of a road (not being a cul‑de‑sac less than 80 metres long) within the zone is more than 50 metres (measured along the road) from a traffic calming feature; i.e. the features must be no further apart than 100 m. A traffic calming feature is defined as: a) a road hump constructed pursuant to section 90A of the Highways Act 1980 or section 36 of the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 and in accordance with the Highways (Road Humps) Regulations 1999 or the Road Humps (Scotland) Regulations 1998; b) traffic calming works constructed in accordance with section 90G of the 1980 Act or section 39A of the 1984 Act and in accordance with the Highways (Traffic Calming) Regulations 1999 or the Roads (Traffic Calming) (Scotland) Regulations 1994; c) a refuge for pedestrians which was constructed pursuant to section 68 of the 1980 Act, or section 27(c) of the 1984 Act, after 15th June 1999 and is constructed so as to encourage a reduction in the speed of traffic using the carriageway;SPEED LIMITS 79 d) a variation of the relative widths of the carriageway or of any footway pursuant to section 75 of the 1980 Act or section 1(1) or 2(1) of the 1984 Act which i) was carried out after 15th June 1999 for the purpose of encouraging a reduction in the speed of traffic using the carriageway; and ii) had the effect of reducing the width of the carriageway; e) a horizontal bend in the carriageway through which all vehicular traffic has to change direction by no less than 70 degrees within a distance of 32 metres as measured at the inner kerb radius; f) a sign to diagram 670 (S10‑2‑1) varied to “20”; or g) a road marking to diagram 1065 (S10‑2‑9) varied to “20”. Schedule 10 General Direction 1 requires that the 20 mph zone includes at least one of the physical features listed in (a) to (e) above. The speed limit repeater sign and road marking are now included as traffic calming features and need not be used together. This allows traffic authorities to reduce the number of physical features. In doing so, they will need to carefully consider the implications for the self‑enforcing nature of the 20 mph zone. Traffic authorities will also need to consider whether a 20 mph speed limit or a 20 mph zone is the most appropriate for particular roads in their area. 8.7.2. Signs to diagram 674 must be provided at each entrance to the zone, even where the adjacent speed limit is 20 mph (without traffic calming features). Generally only one terminal sign will be needed, particularly where the zone commences in a side road at a junction. Only one size of sign is prescribed. The lower panel may be varied or omitted, but the speed limit roundel in the upper panel must not be varied to any other speed limit. 8.7.3. The end of the zone is indicated by a sign showing the adjacent speed limit. This is to diagram 675A (S10‑2‑6, see Figure 8‑10) or, where the adjacent speed limit is the national limit, diagram 675B (S10‑2‑7, see Figure 8‑11). Normally only one sign is likely to be needed. Where the adjacent speed limit is 20 mph (without traffic calming features), the sign to diagram 675A is replaced by a 20 mph terminal sign to diagram 670.